Saturday, September 4, 2010

Living the Life

I say I have an I don't care attitude...that's not quite true...I do care, I just learn to not let cares strangle my life into another headache.  I know when to let things in one ear and out the other, to let problems roll off my back, to not dread what hasn't yet come to pass, to not dwell on crap, to give myself some slack, and to be my own best friend, cause loving my person makes me the best authority on what makes her happiest.

Sometimes attitudes are hard to manage, and I have positive reinforcement to put myself back on track.  Sometimes I slip and slide, and have to search for a safe path home.  I've learned to relax, because tension is its opposite.  I plant myself outside in fresh air surrounded with nature's work where bird songs abound, or fill my space with beautiful music and affectionate pets, or watch romantic movies or perhaps a comedy with comfort food in hand, or as I am doing today...I write my cares away, munching on grapes, buttery ripe avocado salted and peppered, and a cup of yummy caffeine coffee with a big plop of cream.

Hey, don't knock it too much...what's crap for you may be pure joy for me.  Headache's much better, or I should say much less.  I'm going to end this little ditty and spend time with my feline and canine pets.
!Happy Weekend!

Jesse's Postscript

My Second Sweetheart
 16 years of nuzzles and cuddles
best headache chaser ever


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