Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Gardens Gone Wild


Tennessee fall...that time of year you might wake up the next morning to crisp, fragrant autumn air; or heavy, humid summer air; or yikes! ice on your breath kind of air.  Today it is summer again, and pots of wildflowers (bleeding hearts, liatris, summer phlox laura) are lined up along the pathway in front waiting their turn to be tucked into their places in the garden bed.  Leveled the weed vegetation, chopping it to smithereens, giving the wolf spiders just enough time to flee inches ahead of the weed whacker.  One of them was a mini-monster, and a little too curious for comfort.

Cute, pudgy, terra cotta hued concrete pig needs to be repositioned to allow a plant tucking near it, and Miss Black Widow is startled out of her hiding place between poor piggy's front legs.  Pig dropped with a thud, as I'm figuring out how to murder Miss Widow as soon as possible.  I'm wondering where these creatures are lingering, as they seem to pop up out of nowhere to claim anything that has been lying on the ground for more than half an hour.  I see visions of hundreds of them hiding in my gardens waiting for their window of opportunity, giving me the heebie-jeebies.

Big bluestem grass has gotten comfortable with yard, and am moving three of them to this bed behind the wildflowers.  Sun's getting low, and I'm having to speed up this LABOR of love, if I want to not dance with flying roaches, parachuting spiders, and slugs with a death wish that call the dark their domain.  Birds are flying in to roost, and I'm thinking how grateful I am that everything in the universe lined up correctly this year, and two families of bluebirds, families of house wrens, carolina wrens, mockingbirds, and blue jays all called the gardens their home this year, and all fledged safely into the wild blue yonder.

My gardens lie in darkness now, and I'm composing this tale of my day of events while savoring a steaming hot cup of Earl Grey tea and some salty toasted almonds; suppressing this obsession of achy back thoughts, and wincing at the prospect of later this week continuing to empty the back deck of its nursery of wildlings (yellow trillium and aster silk grass) waiting for their place in the gardens.  I have a love affair with concrete statues...one can never have too many of these doodads scattered about.  While others dreams may be of seeds and vegetation for next springs planting, mine are of schemes to purchase that next shaped chunk of expensive garden cement.

Perfecting the lighting has proved a challenge, as I capture in snap shots remembrances of things I love best of these gardens in October.  They're far from calling it a year...insomniacs all when it comes to closing up shop for the season...just one more hurrah, after hurrah, after hurrah.  They're party crazy, and seem far from ready to settle in for a long winter's nap.


  1. My better half told me if I buy one more doodad, he was going to leave me.. I will miss him too!!! We are putting our garden to bed, have been for about three weeks. Regretfully, it is fighting me with new buds and blooms and everything in between. It seems as though only the spiders realize that winter is coming. I have one living up in my bathtub upstairs, it looks too comfy too move it, or perhaps, I am just too much of a fraidy cat, but thank gawd we only use the two bathrooms downstairs. Nice photos and post Yvonne!


  2. Love the photos. Wonderful that you love gardening. I never got into it, myself. Maybe I'll give it a go in the spring.

  3. I'm not a real morning person but I always cherish the moment when I see the day breaks. It's always beautiful even in the fall. :)

    Lovely photos!

  4. I don't know if I love more your cats or your dog, they are adorable!!


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