Too much of a good thing
can be wonderful.
Mae West
Celandine Poppy
Last night, there came a frost,
which has done great damage to my garden...
It is sad that Nature will play such tricks on us poor mortals,
inviting us with sunny smiles to confide in her, and then,
when we are entirely within her power,
striking us to the heart.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Lilyput Iris 'Making Eyes'
Darwin Hybrid Tulip "Apeldoorn's Elite"
to be commanded,
must be obeyed.
Francis Bacon
Virginia Bluebell
Half the interest
of a garden
the constant exercise
of the imagination.
Mrs. C.W. Earle
Rabbiteye Blueberry
Triandus albus daffodil 'April Tears'
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments;
there are consequences.
Robert Ingersoll
Allegheny Spurge
Only in quiet water
do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind
is adequate perception of the world.
- Hans Margolius
Golden Club
Pesty Weed
Indian Strawberry
I am not a lover of lawns.
Rather would I see daisies in their thousands,
ground ivy, hawkweed, and even the hated plantain
with tall stems, and dandelions
with splendid flowers and fairy down,
than the too-well-tended lawn.
W.H. Hudson
Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Alumroot 'Carmel'
I'd like to leave but daffodils
to mark my little way,
to leave but tulips red and white
behind me as I stray;
I'd like to pass away from earth
and feel I'd left behind
but roses and forget-me-nots
for all who come to find.
I'd like to sow the barren spots
with all the flowers of earth,
to leave a path where those who come
should find but gentle mirth;
and when at last I'm called upon
to join the heavenly throng
I'd like to feel along my way
I'd left no sign of wrong.
And yet the cares are many
and the hours of toil are few;
there is not time enough on earth
for all I'd like to do;
but, having lived and having toiled,
I'd like the world to find
some little touch of beauty
that my soul had left behind.
Edgar Albert Guest
Holly 'China Girl'
Gardening is civil and social,
but it wants the vigor and freedom
of the forest and the outlaw.
Henry David Thoreau
Mother Nature...
Dog eat dog world out there...
Every thing's part of the food chain...
Just ask any human, being chased by a bear.
Hot...cold, hot...cold, hot...cold. Last week was short sleeves and sandals; today it's winter coat and gloves, weed picking, lawn mowing, weed picking, edge trimming, weed picking, butt knot, weed picking, compost laying, weed picking, mulch laying, weed picking, leg cramp, weed picking, garden grass raking, weed picking, back pinching, weed picking, pond dredging, weed picking, teeth clinching, weed picking.
One day it's cramming all spare fragments of time I can possibly scrape into the wee hours of my past bedtime evening, leafing hurriedly through the colorful pages of one of many many plant catalogs that choke my mailbox as it wobbles under the weight overload of so many dead trees. Next morning March gardens have exploded across the starting line in a marathon race of gigantic proportions, filling every nook and cranny with green, green, green, upward, upward and outward; and as usual, they have left me choking in their dust three miles back, five miles back, way way waaaaay back.
April will invariably find me cursing to the heavens the day I ever thought a yard full of nature was the greatest idea ever, and wondering why do I keep buying these bloody plants from those bloody catalogs; plants that I have absolutely no time to stuff into the earth, but time I must find, even if it's with flashlight in hand, wind blowing on face, trying to beat the rain before the sprinkles break loose into a deluge.
It is utterly forbidden
to be half-hearted about gardening.
You have got to love your garden
whether you like it or not.
W.C. Sellar and R.J. Yeatman