Corinne Clematis blossom with her fuzzy underside.
Dug from old ghost towns in Nevada, and packed uncleaned in wooden crates.
A quarter each in backroom of Reno antique shop,
if we scrummaged through the boxes ourselves.
A lovely reminder of my antiquing days with my mom
when I was in my thirties.
Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
with wings unfolding for flight,
Winterthur Viburnum buds opening.
Dog walking at the lake formed by Percy Priest Dam
Itea virginica Saturnalia
Female Carpenter Bee
A pair of these gentle giants can be a bit intimidating
when they are protecting the larvae in their chewed out holes.
We accept them and put out leaning 4 x 4's of cedar
which they use after several years of drying out.
Lost the name of this Viticella clematis.
Winterberry, Ilex verticillata
Little Black Ant
Honey Bee
Clematis viorna
Sweet Austin
Zebra Jumping Spider, Salticus scenicus (an European import)
Bottlebrush Grass, Elymus hystrix
Top facing northwest - Bottom facing south
Cool season grass, meaning it grows in spring and fall.
In garden, most of the spring grass will dry and disappear by mid summer.
The fall growing grass will dry with some disappearing,
and some standing dry during the winter months.
Some years it fills most of the flower beds, some years not.
This year it is plentiful.
I love this woodland rye grass.
Clematis 'Venosa Violacea' (Viticella Group)
Life has a way of wearing me down into tears lately, so this is all I have to offer. Until next time...
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