Today it’s simple…simply a crispy cold round red radish dipped in a bit of freshly ground French grey sea salt…heaven, pure heaven. I’m happy! Emerging out of the depths of dark misery into the expanse of sunshine flooding my soul reminds me once again that a reasonably good quality of life should never, ever be taken for granted.
I’m always out there…you know…living life and being peppered more oft than not with those moments when it would have been more advantageous to have zagged instead of zigged. With each mishap there is eventually, and I do mean eveeeeeeentually, a moment in time when the realization that I have crossed over that threshold of miserable to hopeful sets my mind dancing in quiet celebration. I’m at that place now; that place where optimism steps in.
While I may be pragmatic at times,
out to lunch at other times,
one thing is always certain -
coffee and dessert will cure anything,
even if only for an hour;
one thing is always certain -
coffee and dessert will cure anything,
even if only for an hour;
but oh...
Sometimes, you need that one hour to see things a bit more clearly and to understand that our reactions are a choice.