Saturday, November 2, 2019

Once upon a time...

...fall was that transitional period between summer and winter - you know, the end of bare arms and the beginning of flannels and jackets.  It eased one from that infernal the sun created by being overhead into that deep freeze it created by drifting too far to one side.  

I loved fall...not too hot or cold...just right for enjoying the kaleidoscope of nature as she prepared to tuck in for winter just over the next horizon.  Protected in toasty flannel, each year was spent wrapping up production and tucking the beds in for a long winter's nap.  

A medium weight jacket then sufficed for bulb planting chores and the last hurrahs before I snuggled into an overstuffed armchair with a cup of hot cocoa.  This year it appears the transition is from bare arms to a down coat, and a realization that fall is just a figment of my imagination.  Winter is definitely in the air.

Cat's Claw 
You'll feel as if a psycho cat went on a clawing rampage
if you tangle with this vine.  
Not welcomed in these gardens.  

1 comment:

  1. Autumn is a beautiful season, but it always made me sad knowing that winter was coming. Love your photos! Some of your flowers are unusual to me and I really enjoy seeing them.

    My Corner of the World


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