Sunday, April 12, 2020

An unpretentious kind of rainy day ~

An insightful gardener :) I know plants don't care what the catalogs or magazine's opinions are about themselves.  These free-spirited leafy individuals do as they darn well please, and it's my lot in life to manage their well-being in my gardens on that endless roller coaster ride that teeters ever so slightly towards hell at times.  It's wearing me out a teeny bit a lot.  Help!

Alright, already, Austin!!!  I need to feed a meowing cat who's driving me crazy with five minutes of pleading feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed get the jest.  I'll be back in half an hour or so.






Today it's raining cats and dogs, with the wind and a few hippos thrown in.  If my photo below could talk, it would chat your little head off for the next two hours; but alas it can't, goes.  Dashed out the back door and lowered the umbrella canopy halfway to prevent the wind from reducing it to shreds.  Soaked in the process; so, after a change of clothes, I sopped up the water on my rain drenched head with a roll of paper towels...all good :/  

I would have closed the umbrella tight, but as you can see, it's protecting a cardboard box and its inhabitants.  Wanting to recycle their pots to use again, I moaned a phrase somewhat like "what the hell" when I looked into that opened box from I won't mention where, at four large clematis root balls wrapped in plastic bags with no pots.  This only works if the day is sunshine and the soil two days dry when received.  Have you ever known the weather to be that cooperative?

My ancient body isn't any more cooperative than the weather, Friday, one of the Arabella's was planted out back.  Yesterday the other Arabella was planted in the huge pot behind the deck table.  Today the yard is a swimming hole.  Saucy Alice is stewing in her prison, while Vinacea is chilling out like the laid back sort of plant she is.  Meanwhile, I'm visiting my happy place for the rest of the day.

What happened to extraordinary?

1 comment:

  1. Yvonne, you have the loveliest garden. Plants, flowers, cats. My favorite thing. I miss my old garden, and here the best I can do are ivy, moss rose, and a very bare looking African Violet . I keep them around the kitchen sink under one of my two windows. Take care, stay well, these are not good times.


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