Monday, January 10, 2011

The Warmth of Cold

People tell me I live in the south...please tell me south of what???north pole???I want to know.  Push broom and sand filled bucket readied by the door, unpacking ice skates...okay, alright, I can't skate a lick, but I tell you, I swear, I'm going to learn;  'cause I live somewhere in the south, and it's going to snow snow snow for the next three days....hooray.  I'll send you hugs and kisses as soon as I thaw out these frozen frostbit lips and fingers and toe tips.

Kitty Kat Trail

 Kitty Food Trail

The feline trio are cat nippy happy, flying down halls, ricocheting off walls, sliding on floors, rolling 'cross rugs, ousting the doggie, avoiding the mommie, 'cause a monstrous mystical magical shred and bed tree appeared from santa claws their day after Christmas.  Ms. Claws subcontracted this artistically challenge project to somewhere we kinda thinka wassa sorta likea china...not quite sure on this one.  It was to be of the good ole US of A variety, but after five months of wait-email, wait-email, wait-email, wait-email, wait-then an email something like "Just wondering if I'm ever going to get that dang cat tree before all the cats up and die?", a phone call soon followed and wallah!!! cat tree appeared.

  Less than 5 minutes and it's marked by some little squirt of the trio, and shredded with glee as a thousand little barkie bits fly all directions of the room.  Pure contentment knows no boundaries.



  1. You have my sympathies on the weather, the 'south' is suppose to be sacredly warm!! And I love your photo captions!

  2. Yes, yes, yes! Definitely perfection in writing and tone. Well said!
    We southerns don't like snow. Oh, we like it for a minute, but then it needs to be gone. It's time for heat and humidity and shorts and ice tea on the front porch.
    Your cats definitely love their new tree! So sweet.

  3. Oh- I meant to say, I loved the photos. Kitty food trail indeed!

  4. HAHAHA love the captions too >^..^< Still haven't braved out yet. (shiver shiver shiver)

  5. Ah I feel your pain...cold pain that is..Hubby still has chilblains from the last lot of snow and temperatures that plunged. Never mind hot cocoa and red wine seems to help you from freezing up.
    Thank you for your lovely comment you left on my post. I have really enjoyed your post the idea of the cats ricocheting off the walls and can imagine their glee at the new 'tree'. Hope you manage okay in the snow.

  6. we're in that same snow belt. we actually got almost 8 inches yesterday, but we're making the most of it & building snow forts.
    that's one fine piece of cat equipment. kitty condo in the sky!

  7. this morning the news said right now 49/50 states have snow on the ground. FL is the only one without. That is uncommon.
    But I love the pictures.


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