Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dubai and Nashville...A Guy Abroad and a Gal Down Home

Vic's adventures began again...

Waiting in Dubai
for completion of access documentation
to enter Iraq.

New Years Eve...
Might be awhile...

An opportunity
to be a paid tourist
in the most populous city
in the United Arab Emirates,
on the southeast coast
of the Persian Gulf.

"Its funny to see the world here.
  Eating places are usually pretty small.
  Very few folks at the tables and I was wondering 
how these folks actually stay in business.  
There is a guy here from San Francisco who opened a new restaurant.
  Has like 4 tables in the place.
   He has been in the business for a lot of years
and has another restaurant in San Francisco.
  Said he came here for something and decided to open a place here.
Said he had to redesign his business model.
  He gets a lot of business, but 90% is delivery.
  That's the way it is here.
  Most folks either take out ( like me)
 or everything is delivered.
  Makes sense since most of the year it's so hot here.
  Right now it's really cool and pretty,
 but still not very many people eat at the various eating establishment's. 
 I like to walk outside in the evening here.
  Its really pretty and nice."

It is a city of Europeans, Philippines, Americans and others,
and the Christmas tree and decorations are up where he is staying;
although it is mostly just Christmas trees
in lobbies and outside restaurants.
Very beautiful, says husband.
A Christmas lighting ceremony a few days ago
complete with carolers,
and Santa stopping by for a visit.  

The Ride 

Meanwhile, back at Nashville...


359 days I've met this guy every time
I've entered my home from a hard days work
or too short of a night out on the weekend.
He taunts me.
He hasn't remembered my address
since childhood...naughty Santa.

Christmas cards waiting in the kitchen
to be stamped on the inside
and mailed out in a rush today, I hope.

No decorations this year but the few that escaped being hidden in the closet in the back bedroom last year.  I'm blaming it all on the high abundance of clutter that plagues my rooms this year due to furnishings roulette from one room to the next in redesigning the decor of the home.  No humbug here, even though Santa always forgets the address.

A little under the weather due to the inability to stay on my feet at all times in my gardens :( and a knack for hosting the crud at the start of each winter.  I'm on the mends and have perked up 100% this cold again, hot again, cold again holiday season.  Cards just mailed...I know, I when cards arrive after Christmas.

While Charlotte and Austin are tucked in my studio with care to avoid the wrath of Miss Lacey, the calico is busily preening herself next to my computer.  Jamie's in the kitchen on a mission to discover how the trash can lid really opens, while Zoe's hidden in her underworld of beds.  Dustin, as usual, is snoozing at my feet...sweet dog.

Looking around me, I'm reminded that the holiday spirit really begins in the heart and spreads out from there, so despite all my clutter, and I do mean junk heaps galore, I feel humbly grateful for every good fortune amidst the not so good in my life.  Best wishes to all, and to all a fond good night.


  1. Always love your writings, and want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year.
    Barbra Joan

  2. Dubai is a city of such contrasts and your photos are awesome. I agree that Christmas is a holiday of the heart that should continue the whole year. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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